To Cite Fright



Digital album Download
Includes download options for MP3, FLAC & WAV.


Release date: 18 September 2017
  1. Pigeon Pizza 8:17
  2. Bone & Rock Juice 5:42
  3. Radish Itch 9:19
  4. Moldy Core 5:35
  5. Strain Mash Puree 5:40
  6. Le Idรฉe 5:20
  7. Zesty Zany Yogurt 4:33
  8. Malabar Shark 4:36
  9. Watersleep 2:15
  10. Candle & Ferret 6:22

Two technicians try their luck with a cyborg, initiating tests one by one to mark its endurance, intelligence and response abilities. They do this via expose to various forms of entertainment.

Discover the words, get lost in the dictionary. Instrumental hip hop for the innovators, the ambitious and the chanteuses. Though not exclusively.

“Lโ€™eau est un maรฎtre chanteur le reste : disjonction. On ne peut mettre un pied par terre sans actionner une pรฉdale, une prise de terre. Les loisirs ces combustibles qui nous dรฉpassent tous. Echancrement sans cesse. Un รฉpisode en blouse blanche pose ses mains sur vous. Il joue ร  la momie, ร  la chandelle, au furet. Vivi-quelque chose.” Lizzy Mercier Descloux, (1977). Desiderata.

Part two of two, a sequence of past events.

“You know this may be your only contribution to being alive.”

released September 18, 2017

Dedicated to Lizzy Mercier Descloux. Music produced, mixed & mastered by Celestaphone.

All selections published by Drumhex Music ยฉโ„— 2017 Drumhex. DHX-004.