Portrait of a Harlot



Digital album Download
Includes download options for MP3, FLAC & WAV.


Release date: 3 March 2018
  1. Nickels Penny Broomstick 4:11
  2. Miranda’s Weight 3:33
  3. Phallic Instruments 4:10
  4. Imagination 4:02
  5. Sly Stroke 3:42
  6. Fluorescent Girl 3:47
  7. Demon Dance 6:09
  8. Bouquet Hoard 3:08
  9. One Paid Service 3:17

Punk with sub.

released March 3, 2018

Produced, mixed & mastered by Celestaphone.

ยฉโ„— 2018 Drumhex. DHX-005.